Today on August 14, 1457 the Mainz Psalter was published. It was one of the first printed books with several innovations, including two letter sizes and a colophon. The book is prefaced with this statement:
This volume of the Psalms, adorned with a magnificence of capital letters and clearly divided by rubrics, has been fashioned by a mechanical process of printing and producing characters, without use of a pen, and it was laboriously completed, for God's Holiness, by Joachim Fust, citizen of Mainz, and Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim, on Assumption Eve in the year of Our Lord, 1457. Source.

I love this because you can feel the pride in: “adorned with a magnificence of capital letters.” Like most successful innovations, this now feels commonplace. In fact, this very newsletter is also adorned with a magnificence of capital letters and produced without the use of a pen (although it lacks clearly divided rubrics).